Banky W and Adesua Etomi welcomed their son Hazaiah Olusegun last year and had shared photos of him from different angles in the past without revealing his face.
The face of Hazaiah Olusegun, son of Banky W and Adesua Etomi has finally been unveiled.
Banky W unveiled his son's face on Friday.
Recall that Banky W and Adesua Etomi welcomed their son Hazaiah Olusegun last year and had shared photos of him from different angles with his face hidden.
Today, Banky decided to show his face to the world and wrote:
"My baby had our baby and he's everything we prayed for...
Hazaiah Olusegun "Champ" Wellington
God is good. Thank you Jesus. The End. 🥰😍😊❤😁"
The face of Hazaiah Olusegun, son of Banky W and Adesua Etomi has finally been unveiled.
Banky W unveiled his son's face on Friday.
Recall that Banky W and Adesua Etomi welcomed their son Hazaiah Olusegun last year and had shared photos of him from different angles with his face hidden.
Today, Banky decided to show his face to the world and wrote:
"My baby had our baby and he's everything we prayed for...
Hazaiah Olusegun "Champ" Wellington
God is good. Thank you Jesus. The End. 🥰😍😊❤😁"
Amebo TV